Brand / Promo Videos

This is the main video that every business needs answering the questions: “Who we are, What we do, Why you need it, and How to get it”. This should be on the homepage of your website so it is the first thing potential clients can click to get the 30,000 foot overview of your business. Should also be sent out at first contact to potential leads by your sales team. GET STARTED

Testimonial Videos

A powerful way to earn trust and referrals by allowing your existing clients a platform to speak with your future clients. GET STARTED

Sizzle Reels / Event Promotions

Whether you are promoting an upcoming event or showing off what a HUGE success a previous event was - a sizzle reel provides attendees, sponsors, vendors, and the rest of the world to see how much fun your events are and your ability to draw in a crowd! GET STARTED

Product / Service Explainer Videos

Talks specifically about a product, service, or unique selling proposition that sets you apart. Animation may be used for these types of “high concept” videos but it all depends on the specific product or service. GET STARTED

Custom Logo Animation

Can be used to create cohesive brand recognition throughout all video content and increase brand familiarity over time. GET STARTED

Converting Video Ads

TV commercial quality video has the power to be your #1 sales person. When well crafted, your content should invoke an emotional response allowing you to generate leads 24/7/365. GET STARTED

Collaborative Testimonial for Tech Company

Neal McAtee, CFO at WorthPoint speaks about the amazing partnership with Synthesis and joint impact we are delivering together. GET STARTED

Commercial for Eyeglasses Company

International Advertising Agency, Aumcore needed to produce two web commercials for their client, QSpex. Utilizing green screen technology and excellent videography skills for virtual sets, we were able to show customers how to order eyewear online and have it delivered to their door within four hours. GET STARTED